Monday, October 8, 2012

Winter is coming.

I love fall and winter, and I love the cold.  I love cold weather clothing - thick wool socks, fleece vests, hats and gloves and scarves.  I love cold weather food - big pots of chili and soup, lasagna, pot roast with red wine and mushrooms, potatoes roasted and baked and mashed.  Pies, apple and sweet potato and cherry, with real whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Big fluffy comforters and warm woolly blankets, windows cracked to let the chill from outside nip your nose.  The dog snuggled up close to stay warm, the cat in the window to finally be cool.  Crunchy leaves and new-fallen snow.  A fire going in the fireplace (even if it is gas.)

I love it all.  I live in the South.  We don't get much cold here, but thankfully we get some.  Today it is in the 40s, and it is on its way towards cold.  I like it.